Dinosaur Name Print


Perfect gift for a Dinosaur lover.


A dinosaur themed personalised name print.

The name will be printed alongside a variety of dinosaurs and a choice of colour text.

Each name is uniquely designed and the dinosaurs are arranged individually for each name.

Choose the colour of the name from blue, navy, grey or pink and we will arrange the dinosaurs around the letters in the best way to suit the letters and the spaces between each letter

The prints are provided unframed and are A4 in size. The frame is for illustration purposes only.
When choosing a frame, simply pick one that has an A4 image size and your print will fit perfectly.
Your design will be printed onto a piece of highest quality A4 170gsm paper ready for framing.

. Print Size: A4
. Card Weight – 170gsm
. Card Finish – Smooth White Card
. Posted in a Board back envelope.

Additional information

Text Colour

Pink, Blue, Grey